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Schematic Editor :

->Symbol     Editor    :    "tsed"

->Schematic Editor    :    "tned"


We use a Symbol Editor:  to make the Symbol Libraries ,and the Cells Symbol Libraries ,

and we use a Schematic Editor to make the corresponding schematic of existing Symbol (maximum of 32 hierarchical level)


To call the symbol editor TSED type :

        " tsed  component_name  [ext_do_file [par1 [par2...]] "

             component_name  :  name of your component  ( directory )

             ext_do_file  :  file to automatically executed commands ( option )  .

             par1 , par2  :  external variable used for commands     ( option )  .


        The symbol editor TSED can make symbol that are "callable"

        afterwards  into :

            *  an other symbol with  the symbol editor TSED 

            *  a sheet         with the sheet editor   TNED


        Symbol defines :

            *  the representation of the component ( not their functions )

            *  the PINS ( position,name,number,...) to define interconnexions

            *  the parameters ( also called PROPERTIES - name-values-owners

               -switches ) and passing way from symbol to sheet .


            *  SYMBOL is made of :

                 **  1 to N COMPONENTS 

                     ( limited by Computer configuration >> 10 ) 


               At  start_up 1 components exists and it is the 

                "EDIT_COMPONENT" ( component that you can edit :


                 the target component for commands as :

                 COPY , INStantiate SYMbol , MOVE , ADD PROperty ,

                 ADD PIN , CHAnge FRAme DIMension ... )


               You can create some new components with command :

                 CREate COMponent  ( becomes the EDIT_COMPONENT )


               you can define the "EDIT_COMPONENT" with command

                 EDIt COMponent    ( the one selected )


            *  COMPONENTS is made of

                 ** 1 component BODY : that includes graphical + properties 

                                       data for the component itself .

                 ** 1 to N component PINS : that includes graphical +

                                 properties data for the component PINS .

                 ** 0 to 1 component FRAME : that includes graphical + properties

                                       data for the component itself .

                 ** 0 to N EXTERNAL SYMBOLS

                     ( limited by Computer configuration >> 10 ) 

                     that have been loaded with commands :

                      ACTivate SYMbol , INStantiate SYMbol


            *  1 EXTERNAL SYMBOL is made of :

               ** 1 component BODY : that includes graphical + properties

                                   data for the external symbol itself .

               ** 1 to N component PINS : that includes graphical +

                            properties data for the external symbols PINS .



            * The target component for some command is ONLY the "EDIT_COMPONENT"

            * You can EDIT graphics and properties on COMPONENTS , FRAMES ,

               EXTERNAL SYMBOLS ( depending of their switches ) ,

               with command as ADD PROperty , CHAnge PROperty VALue ,

               SELect PROperty , ... etc :

               ** for  component BODY you can :  

                 ***  edit the body GRAPHICS with command : LINe STArt ,

                       LINe CONtinue , ARC CONtinue , COPY , MOVE ,

                       DELete , SELect AREa  ... etc 

                      ( to edit part of graphics use SMAsh ON )

                 ***  edit the body PROPERTIES with command : ADD PROperty ,

                      CHAnge PROperty VALue , SELect PROperty , ... etc :

               ** for component PINS  you can :  

                 ***  edit the pins GRAPHICS with command : ADD PIN ,

                       DELete , SELect AREa  ... etc 

                      ( if you delete the graphics you delete also all

                        the pin with their properties )

                 ***  edit the pins PROPERTIES with command : ADD PROperty ,

                      CHAnge PROperty VALue , SELect PROperty , ... etc :

               ** for component FRAME  you can :  

                 ***  edit the frame GRAPHICS with command : DELete ,

                        CHAnge frame DIMension , SELect AREa  ... etc 

                      ( if you delete the graphics you delete also all

                        the frame with their properties )

                 ***  edit the frame PROPERTIES with command : ADD PROperty ,

                      CHAnge PROperty VALue , SELect PROperty , ... etc :


               ** for body of EXTERNAL SYMBOL  you can :  

                 ***  edit the body GRAPHICS with command : DELETE ,

                       INSTantiate SYMbol  ... etc 

                      ( if you delete the graphics you delete also all

                        the external symbol with their pins , properties )

                 ***  edit the body PROPERTIES with command : ADD PROperty ,

                      CHAnge PROperty VALue , SELect PROperty , ... etc

                      ( for property that are NEW or NOFIXED )

               ** for  PINS of EXTERNAL SYMBOL  you can :  

                 ***  edit the pins GRAPHICS with command : delete ,

                       DELete , SELect AREa  ... etc 

                      ( if you delete the graphics you delete also all

                        the pin with their properties and all the symbol )

                 ***  edit the pins PROPERTIES with command : ADD PROperty ,

                      CHAnge PROperty VALue , SELect PROperty , ... etc :

                      ( for property that are NEW or NOFIXED ) 


               ** You can add to the "EDIT_COMPONENT" some  EXTERNAL SYMBOL

                   ( entirely copied as SYMBOL into the EDIT_COMPONENT ) 

                   with  :  ACTivate SYMbol , INStantiate SYMbol


               ** You can update  an old external symbol with :

                      UPDate  SYMbol


               ** You can View and Copy part of an external symbol with  :

                    VIEW SYMbol , COPY Context ... etc  to the

                     EDIT_COMPONENT ( body and pins ) .


               ** You can UNDO 1 to N step of previous command   and AFTER

                  You can REDO 1 to N step of previous command   .

                  ( Starting until the begining of the session )          


              * You can generate  a file SCRIPT to remake the symbol

                 ( for transfert , record , ... )

                   ** compatible to TSED    from ATELECAD

                   ** compatible to DA_IC   from MENTOR

                      ( MENTOR is a trade mark of MENTOR graphics corp )


              * You can generate  a ASCII file DATA to get  Symbol Data .

                 ( for netlist , customised tools , ... )


              * you can GROW ( UP / DOWN )  a symbol  using 1 command .






                   |                                                                                   |

               component_1                                                             component_2



                |                         |                     |                                |                             |

        frame                      |                  body                         pin_1                      pin_2

                |                         |                     |                                |

      ( graphics +             |               ( graphics +              ( graphics +

       properties )            |                 properties )              properties )




                  |                                                              |  

              symbol_1 (external)               symbol_2 (external)  



            |                                      |

           body                             pin_1

         ( graphics +                    ( graphics +

           properties )                   properties )


               ** You can REDO the previous session  using :

                    "tsed    dir_name    dir_name/cur_session "

                   (  the file "dir_name/cur_session " is automatically during

                      the sessions with all commands done so can restart  it

                      as an external " DO_FILE " )



To call the network editor TNED type :   

        " tned  component_name  [ext_do_file [par1 [par2...]] "

             component_name  :  name of your component ( directory )

             ext_do_file  :  file to automatically executed commands ( option ) 

             par1 , par2  :  external variable used for commands     ( option )  .


       MANAGING SHEETS  :     

        The Turbo Network editor TNED can make HIERARCHICAL electronic schemas

          and can use to edit it :

            *   symbols created with  the symbol editor       TSED 

            *   another sheet created with the sheet editor   TNED


        Sheet defines :

            *  the function of the corresponding symbol ( if any , and not

                 their representation )  :  using :

                 **  the INSTANCES  of the used SYMBOL ( position,name,number,...)  .

                 **  the INTERCONNEXIONS between INSTANCE PINS  .


            *  the parameters ( also called PROPERTIES - name-values-owners

                  -switches ) and passing way from symbol to sheet . 


            *  INSTANCE is made of :

               ** 1 instance BODY : that includes graphical + properties 

                                       data for the instance itself .

               ** 1 to N instance PINS : that includes graphical +

                                 properties data for the instance PINS .

               ** and is LINKED to 1 EXTERNAL SYMBOL

                     that have been loaded with commands :

                      ACTivate SYMbol , INStantiate SYMbol


            *  NET is made of : 

               **  Properties  ;

               ** 1  to N VERTEX  that include graphics .  

                    ( 1 vertex for 1 instance pin  and 1 vertex for each

                      corner of net ... )


            *  1 EXTERNAL SYMBOL is made of :

               ** 1 component BODY : that includes graphical + properties

                                   data for the external symbol itself .

               ** 1 to N component PINS : that includes graphical +

                            properties data for the external symbols PINS .




               ** You can LOAD  SYMBOLS with commands :

                      ACTivate SYMbol ... , INStantiate SYMbol ... .

               ** You can update  an INSTANCE wth the new symbol version with :

                      UPDate  SYMbol

               ** You can View and Copy part of another SHEET with  :

                    VIEW SHEEt ... +  COPY Context ... etc  to the

                     EDIT SHEET  .


               ** You can UNDO 1 to N step of previous command   and AFTER

                  You can REDO 1 to N step of previous command   .

                  ( Starting until the begining of the session )


               ** You can create BUS ( for NETS ) by using :

                      *** special PIN NAME : ex : "IN(0:8) ;

                      *** special symbols : "RIP"


          * You can EDIT graphics and properties on INSTANCES , FRAMES ,

                         ( depending of their switches ) ,

               with command as ADD PROperty , CHAnge PROperty VALue ,

               SELect PROperty , ... etc :

               ** for  instance BODY you can :  

                 ***  DELete , SELect AREa , COPY , MOVE , ... etc 

                      ( you can't edit part of graphics )

                 ***  edit the body PROPERTIES with command : ADD PROperty ,

                      CHAnge PROperty VALue , SELect PROperty , ... etc

                          ( depending of their switches ) .

               ** for instance PINS  you can :  

                 ***  you can't edit the pins GRAPHICS  separately from instance

                       , only : SELect AREa  ... etc 

                      ( if you delete the graphics you delete also ALL

                        the instance with their properties   )

                 ***  edit the pins PROPERTIES with command : ADD PROperty ,

                      CHAnge PROperty VALue , SELect PROperty , ... etc .

                            ( depending of their switches ) .

               ** for  FRAME  you can :  

                 ***  edit the frame GRAPHICS with command : DELete ,

                        CHAnge frame DIMension , SELect AREa  ... etc 

                      ( if you delete the graphics you delete also all

                        the frame with their properties )

                 ***  edit the frame PROPERTIES with command : ADD PROperty ,

                      CHAnge PROperty VALue , SELect PROperty , ... etc :


          * You can generate  a file SCRIPT to remake the sheet

                 ( for transfert , record , ... )

                   ** compatible to TNED      from ATELECAD

                   ** compatible to NETED     from MENTOR

                      ( MENTOR is a trade mark of MENTOR graphics corp )


          * You can generate  a ASCII file DATA to get  sheet data .

                 ( for netlist , customised tools , ... )




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Jean-Claude Perraud